Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Starting a new job

It's very bitter sweet, a new beginning...

I'm going to miss my old friends from work, and the patients and their families.  It was heart wrenching to say good bye.  I'll be back to visit, but I will never again see "my" patients.

On the other hand, today has been a day of hello's.  New friends, new patients... and new rutines, new computer programs... and a whole day of "where do you keep the.."  

Needless to say, I'm bushed!

The picture is from last summer, a wonderful evening with wonderful friends on a rock in  the sea.  Today it's full of ice.. Can't wait for thaw!

1 comment:

  1. du är saknad men jag är väldigt glad för din skull med jobb på hemmaplan och ett jobb passar dig otroligt bra. Sjukhuset står kvar där det står :) kram
